What you can do:
• Volunteer for our biannual spring and fall work days
• Sign up and volunteer for a time to serve the island
• Help fund projects for the improvement of camp
• Pray for the ministry of Lutheran Island Camp
Prayers are powerful! It is the prayers of our faithful supporters that make the ministry of Lutheran Island Camp fruitful.​
"This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us." - 1 John 5:14

Available Projects
We would love to get you involved at camp. We have many opportunities through our Work Weekends and Servant Events. There's also a group of people who just call us up and say, "When can I come and help?"
If you are interested in volunteering your time and abilities on the Island, check out our pending projects and contact us by calling 218/583-2905 or email licmaintenance@islandcamp.org!
Siding Repair
(3-4 people with a lift)
Repair siding boards, caulk and stain ERC.
Log Splitting
(2-3 people)
Cut hardwood and split for Fireside.
Challenge Course
(2 people)
Teardown the old challenge course.
Meditation Trail Repair
(4-6 people with a large dump truck)
Meditation Trail
-Refurbish Lord's Prayer
-Tear down fitness equipment and signs
Tear down Tree houses
Shrub Clean Up
(1+ people)
Clean up plants and shrubs around ERC, Chapel, retreat house, and welcome sign.
Gutter Maintenance
(2 people)
Clean and repair gutters
-Retreat House, Martha, North, side of ERC